My name is Kristopher Welsh, and I'm currently a Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. My main research interests lie in the Requirements Engineering domain, more specifically in early-phase goal modelling. I also maintain a relatively passive interest in web standards and cyberlaw.
This site exists mainly as a vanity site to provide a stable e-mail address. However, seeing as I own the domain, I've decided to put some basic information up, including my publications in case somebody is having difficulty in accessing them.
I have worked with a variety of businesses providing general computing consultancy. Businesses with which I have an existing relationship are welcome to contact me regarding follow-on consultancy.
To contact me regarding my consultancy, please use the e-mail address: consultancy {at} kriswelsh {dot} com
If you've stumbled here already knowing me, and you don't have up-to-date contact information for me, then feel free to use the following e-mail address to get back in touch: me {at} kriswelsh {dot} com